Exterior Pictures
My plane has been hangared since I bought it.
Both steps replaced under warranty in Spring 2009.
Parachute is located behind the rear window. There is no visible hatch, only a sticker. When the rocket is ignited, the back of the plane blows open to allow the chute to deploy.
Serial plate located under horizontal stabilizer on pilot-side.
Baggage compartment.
Both steps replaced under warranty in Spring 2009.
If you ever run the battery down, this external power door is located on the front quarter of the pilot side.
This Tannis engine heater is located on the front pilot-side air-induction vent. Easily accessed with an extension cord for cold winter nights. Makes startup a BREEZE. Saved me many times in Jackson Hole, WY at 25 below zero!
Not a clear picture, but shows the standard 3-prong plug-in for the Tannis engine heater.
This is the front air-intake hole on the passenger side, opposite the Tannis heater.
Passenger-side Wheel
Pilot-side Wheel