Dash & Console Pictures

My Cirrus comes with the Avidyne “Glass Cockpit” using the Entegra EX5000C Revision 7.0.2.  If you’ve never had a ‘glass cockpit’, you’re in for a treat!  The moving maps are amazing for situational awareness!  Jeppesen provide the approach plates and airport diagrams via subscription.  Garmin provides obstacle database, waypoints and fixes.  Together it’s all seamless!

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PFD provides ALL your critical data!

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MFD warming up.

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All MFD is updated, despite this picture.

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MFD with the moving map.  How did we fly without this!?

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The “Stack” includes Garmin 340 comms on top, dual Garmin 430’s, S-Tec Fifty Five X auto pilot, Garmin GTX 327 transponder, and oxygen system and flps switch.

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Hobbs & Flight Counters

Arm Rest Lid

The lid of the center arm rest has a hammer for breaking the windows in case of emergency as well as a back-up microphone.

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